Saturday, July 25, 2009
I'm finally 15 (: Friday- Yesterday was awesome! Gio led me to the chapel cause she had a problem, then, we went to the chapel and she brought me down, AND I HAD MY BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! Had a cake fight with Denicia and Kenneth ran somewhere ;D HAHA. GIO AND JAVIER WERE TOTALLY SCREAMING LOR. Saw my awesome presents that i didn't expect to get (: Ended up washing our faces at the sink. On the way home, i smelt like vomit. But the cake was AWESOME THOUGH! Had a really great time(: rocks. ~ Guys, really thanks so much for making my birthday awesome. Thanks for even remembering! Super touched sia. Honestly, words can never describe what i felt yesterday. I know i didn't cry, but the chinese oil thingy helped! :D seriously. When i fall, you guys are there, when i cry you guys are there. Where would I be without you guys? At night! After street E, Gin Ming, Charis and Sarah came all the way from i dunno where to have a birthday dinner with me, natalie and sandra! We went to KFC, goofed around, cam whored, and had a really great time. Waited and talked with Gin Ming at the bustop (: After she left, continued talking with Charis and Sarah. Girls, am seriously touched too :D thanks for coming like all the way man! Thanks for all the awesome times we have in church, with you guys sabo-ing me to look unglam :( LOL! And Gin Ming, thanks for the awesome personalised present (: i will treasure it; everything we did together(: Charis and Sarah, thanks for celebrating my birthday with me(: can't think of how to spend my birthday dinner, without sisters like you (: Natalie and Sandra, AWESOME GIRLS FOR GOD in my net, thanks for everything, both of you act cute people (: AND YOU, RACHEL YEW. Thanks for being like my oldest best friend in school. 3 YEARS, plus the time we first met during DSA. I LOVE LOVE YOU GUYS MUCH(: & to those who remembered my birthday, thanks (: blog photos are totally in facebook. stupid blogger is stupid enough not to post it up. Thursday, July 23, 2009 omg. Ever since RETRO NIGHT, this song's been stuck in my head (: AWESOME LOL. TRAILER. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SONG Tuesday, July 14, 2009 So many things happened early this week at home. Being attacked is not fun. But I'm gonna make my stand. God, no matter what I am going to serve you. You are faithful and true. You are always there and You know me better than myself. Even if i'm dragged away from You, i know that you'll pull me back to You with Your love (: Friday, July 10, 2009 ![]() Yesterday, sch was ok i guess. Went out ASSESEMENT BOOK SHOPPING WITH Gio and Javier yesterday. Haha, i'm like that youngest sis there. It means i can bully Javier. Tried getting him to carry my books yesterday, didn't work:/ LOL. And Gio was just ganging with me against him. Strangely though, we kind of lost Jq and Vel at the shopping mall. But oh well us sis and bro, got the same file :P In my fav colour! Blue. Heehee, neway love them loads and loads (: I really miss this. The three of us like last year when we went for that concert. Later in the night, had like TAKE IT TO THE STREETS! And Sandra was awesome (: Love you girl! We have the same BIG AND AWESOME GOD. Loving life. And it's the WEEKENDS it means more of church(: I'm lovin' it. ~ Thank you for making me appreciate the small things in life. I smile when i see you guys enjoying yourselves. MY HAIR'S IN A MESS D: Thursday, July 9, 2009 God's gonna move. God's gonna start a revival. It's already happening. He is all knowing and AWESOME. I serve an awesome God (: He never fails me or leaves me in the lurch. He's my path to guide me. He's my refuge to go to whenever I'm weak. He is the everlasting God. God, I can never thank you enough for what you did for me. I LOVE YOU (: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Why am i feeling this way? It's so strange. You make me smile. Alot. Crap. Sunday, July 5, 2009 ![]() One day, they will see, they will know, they will hear of who you are. Friday, July 3, 2009 ![]() He is hot. So hot xD Thursday, July 2, 2009 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMANTHA! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY RACHEL! Happy birthday guys (: you're like finally 15. Older than me man. D: It's really great having you guys in church. Continue with the good fight of faith! LOVE YA (: to the max(infinity). Not feeling really happy lately. Haha mostly grumpy. Like went to Orchid Country Club yesterday. Was totally slacking again. We spent four hours there but only did 15 mins of work. For what? Just to carry the podium. After that went for discipling with Colleen (: haha. Was quite fun. Know what i'm gonna get ________ and ___________ and _______ for their birthday. Let me give you a clue. ALL OF THEM ARE TEENAGE GIRLS :D Hahaha. ~ You know, i really feel inferior. Whenever i am around you. People just love you. I can't be like them. I'm not like them. I'm not as fun as them. I will give you freedom, i will let go. Slowly, i'll be become a shadow. I'll only appear when you need friends. I really wanna thank God for Gin Ming and Ah Balling. They have been with me the longest in church, and they're the closest. They know me inside out, even though i piss them off alot at times, they still love me for who I am. They're always there to help me, no matter what. They are the people that i goof aronud alot with, all the scratching and punching xD Because of them, I smile when I'm sad(: Girls, you really mean alot to me. Wednesday, July 1, 2009 I'm letting go. Bye. AHAHAH. IT'S FINALLY MINE. BACK TO BLACK IS MINE :D i'm like now a fan of amy winehouse. Go Amy, lols. Now i know why she's a grammy award winner :D |
Hannah Christian Loves God FALL OUT BOY is AWESOME Has an obsession with music You know me the sites. Chu Yi | Daniel | Gin Ming | Hui Min |Kai Xin | Kenneth| Myra June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 Designer : x o x o |