Monday, March 30, 2009
Why am I so different ? It has only been three months, I've became worse. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME ? Give people respect Hannah, you weren't like this during sec 2. What is wrong with me ? Why am I changing ? Thursday, March 26, 2009 Wowee, like am gonna run soon, so, i can cut down on my fats . YAY :D Sunday, March 22, 2009 LOUDFEST 09. Awesone. One word, awesome. The audacious band really rocked, you could tell that they were really true in worship (: Day 1: [Photos 1-3] Went there for the night service. Went to subway with Gio and William to wait for Kenneth, lol, we were like chit chatting to the max. Kenneth came, and we took the bus to... CORNERSTONE CHURCH. Went there to sit in the front. Wow, the amps were so LOUD ! But worship was awesome. The Audacious band really had annointing. Worship was taken to a new level for me (: After the sermon, the whole thing ended, took a bus home. Was like super late o.o , kenneth yan WAS SO FREAKING SLEEPY LA, that he slept in the train , haha, but was chatting with Amadea's friend from church, Timothy. AND FINALLY AT 12 I REACHED HOME. Day 2 :[ Photos 4 - 20 ] Met Gio and William at mrt station with Kenneth to take the bus there. On the way there, I was super kiasu cause William said he didn't recognise the place, so i alighted. THEN, IT TURNED OUT THE THE BUS ROUTE WAS RIGHT, so we had to walk all the way there. Sorry guys ! But WE BURNED CALORIES (: Had seminar and worship by Generations band then went for lunch. It was like raining. Gio took a photo of William's pill dissolving in water. LOL. After that, we had to get across this road that wasn't covered and we had only one umbrella, then, a friendly corner stone church guy came across the road, whom Kenneth said was good looking : Hey you guys need help ? Us : YEA Him: Ok, but for the girls, the place you have to go to is flooded. The water is ankle-deep. Me and Gio: Looked at each other, "T.T OH MAN ! " But it was quite fun :) Then Gio and I went to this desert place there and ate MANGO PUDDING ! ( photo 11 ) and went up for the woman's seminar :D Was like cool, cause they made Jenni , vocalist of the audacious band do a sexy catwalk. Damn funny , was awesome (: Then we met Kenneth and William, AND ATE AT THE DESSERT PLACE and went home. On the way home, we were singing at the top of our lungs, ( that's how i lost my voice =.= apart from screamign during worship ) and we walked past this Indian Food Shop, we were like this or subway ? We ate subway the day before , was kinda tired of it ? So we ate at the Indian Food Shop. AND THE FOOD WAS NICE !!! We took the bus and was camwhoring in the bus (: and Kenneth was the stylist and I was the model (right. ) and he was styling my hair in the bus . LOL was funny la, then he was bimbo-ing , i looked totally unglam though . Then this weird dude was staring at us. =.= yea, so Gio got down and Kenneth , William and I were like walking to the mrt then it was Kenneth and I in the mrt. Kenneth, apparently saw this woman dressed up like a prostitude and he was like *points at mrt window* PROSTITUDE. LOL , everyone was staring at us in the train la. Then Kenneth was like : ma, wo dai nin de shi wu ah in cheena accent and like this traditional chinese music played, just in time with that and like we laughed like crazy. I laughed until i cried. LOL, alighted at cck and met dad at wang cafe and forced him to buy strepsils for me (: Day 3: [ Photos 21- 28] Final day. Met Kenneth at the mrt, we were late, so we took the cab to Corner stone church . Had worship, seminar and INTERVIEW WITH PASTOR GLENN , his answers were seriously full of wisdom. Anyway, later, we had lunch, but we spilt up cause of the different workshop, so I ate with the band dynamics people, was talking to william all the time. THE CHICKEN RICE WAS SO NICE (: We went back to cornerstone to have the workshop. The Audacious band was conducting it. It was really inspiring. The way they answered our questions. Wow, you can that they are really true. After that, had dinner with Kenneth and Gio at the chicken rice shop again and had dessert at the dessert place . I had my BERRY YOGHURT :D We talked about our future lives and stuff, dreams etc. It was really enjoyable. Had night service, WORSHIP WAS REALLY TAKEN TO A NEWER LEVEL. i didn't experience anything like that before . Night service was awesome. YES WE WILL CROSS THE LINE FOR GOD :D A REVIVAL IN THIS GENERATION . I LOVE YOU GOD. it's like you can't get enough of it (: but it had to end :( Gio went off early , william went off too, and went home with Kenneth. God, I know our calling, Our generation's calling, Our duty, your first love, Help us to see the goal , concentrate on it , and not sidetrack away, lead us, guide us, help us, help us not to be offenced or take no for an answer help us to press on no matter what, help us to cross the line for you , live it out loud for you, give you our best , and let You be You, God. THANK YOU( not ranking) GOD AND AUDACIOUS BAND (: AMADEA(: GIO(: KENNETH(: WILLIAM (: for the company and time we had at loud fest Wednesday, March 18, 2009 'This has been said too many times, that i'm not sure that it matters. Cause i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts.' Yes too many times. I give up. I'm gonna give it up to GOD. Can't be bothered with you already. Monday, March 16, 2009 Top to bottom : Gin Ming, Sarah and Yvonne. Was Yvonne's birthday on Sunday . HAPPY BELATED B'DAY :D Haha, everyone celebrating in church for march PEOPLE :D (LOL) I HAVE OFFICIALLY FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YA KUN ICE CREAM TOAST (: My dad loves the coffee ... That was really random . Went to celebrate daddy's birthday yesterday. Ate at New York New York, my mom told me not to order the chicken cheese thingy again == and they ordered the sea food platter AGAIN . Haha, i felt really extra there cause i would have been better if they were together. HAHA :D But still the pasta rocks. This totally unglam photo of rachel (: Love her to bits. . Well, there's nothing much to say right? We tried our best. It wasn't good enough. It was NEVER good enough. . Went for SANA yesterday. Was fun and exciting . Shao Hoon wanted her evil twin's photo. Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Honestly, why do I even care ? So what if i changed ? At least i feel true happiness and more of myself with them . At least i know the true meaning of friendship and i have gained true friends. I don't regret gaining them and losing alot of 'friends' . Have you ever wondered why you had alot of problems with people ? Why always you ? Maybe you are the one at fault. Not everything has to be about you. And please treasure the person who's always there for you. Don't make the same mistake i did; if you want to stop losing people. -. I LOVE MY BESTIES:(not ranking) Kenneth, Gio, Jaiver, Joey, Chu Yi, Rachael, Rachel Yew, Mei Sorry mei and rachel, don;t have ur photos. Chu Yi! I don't know where i put our photo :(. But u can still enjoy it (: -. Had a bad day today. Got scolded because our drill standard was not good enough, and for not doing math corrections properly. Ugh. Monday, March 9, 2009 I am starting to feel the pressure. OMG . The competition is just like 5 DAYS AWAY :O It's finally here. Wow. Shocking. PIONEER TEAM : I know that u guys are like damn tired and all, but no matter what we must still continue striving ! LET'S KICK SOME ASS. Yea, I love my pioneer team, we ALL LOVE Pioneer team :D Sunday, March 8, 2009 Yea man, went to the Jurong Building today. It was super new, smelt new and was awesome. I miss the CCK building though. I love my friends from church :D You guys are awesome ! Friday, March 6, 2009 The (Shipped) Gold Standard Sometimes i want to quit this all and become an accountant now but I'm no good at math and besides the dollar is down plant more trees on Lake Michigan before it gets cold I gotta feel the wind chill again before I get old I wanna scream "I Love You" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me You can only blame your problems on the world for so long before it all becomes the same old song as soon as we hit the hospital I know we're going to leave this town and get new passports and get, get, get, get, get out now All the 'yes' men said "no comment"my mouth got goin'the wrong way and all the callsgot to know when the time my dad caught me a horse shoe crab and I asked him if throwing it back into the sea would bring our luck back I wanna scream "I Love You" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me You can only blame your problems on the world for so long before it all becomes the same old song as soon as we hit the hospital I know we're going to leave this town and get new passports get out now Tell that boy I'll leave you alone Like a stone, I'll turn my love 'round... both in the business of soul I wanna scream "I Love You" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me Whoa-oh I wanna scream "I Love You" from the top of my lungs but I'm afraid that someone else will hear me You can only blame your problems on the world for so long before it all becomes the same old song as soon as we hit the hospital I know we're going to leave this townand get new passports and get, get, get, get, get out now get, get, get, get, get out now I love this song. Awesome . Thursday, March 5, 2009 I feel horrible Monday, March 2, 2009 ![]() Pictures, from top to bottom , -My bro and me (: I TOTALLY LOOKED SO WEIRD ! - Chapel from the crying room :D - Gin Ming's shoe ( very random ) - Stupid Tortise - Chu, Me and Gio :D Swimming was so awesome yesterday :D my bro and I were like bitch talking in the pool. Haha, after that, we bought ice cream and pancakes from mr. bean. Yea, i made kenneth drop his cheese pancake ( sorry ) . LOL, there was this super cute tortise which i saw. But when i tried to help it , was it grateful ? NOOOOOOOOO. Infact, it totally kicked the fork i used to help pick it up. Ugh ! Stupid tortise. I so wanted to pour hot water over it :D BURN BABY BURN ! Yepp, we slacked at my house and watched wild child. I totally love drippy and FREDDY :D " and btw which fyi means by the way " O.O then we blasted music and did a math. My bro ate dinner there and we were guitaring and he went home. Seriously Bro, yesterday was seriously awesome :D MUST HANG OUT AGAIN !!! AND GIO! You la, MUST COME LEH :( LIKE OMG. i passed physics. Totally unbelievable. THANK YOU GOD :D I want my converse shoe ! Only two papers left ... - I don't like the way you treat others. I don't like you. Please stop being so fake. At least i tried. You didn't. |
Hannah Christian Loves God FALL OUT BOY is AWESOME Has an obsession with music You know me the sites. Chu Yi | Daniel | Gin Ming | Hui Min |Kai Xin | Kenneth| Myra June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 Designer : x o x o |