Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Haha, Physics was definately a SCREW UP, I didn't have time to complete the bio paper :( crap crap crap. Guess I'm gonna change my blogskin pretty soon. That's all for now. Gotta study for cheena Monday, February 23, 2009 Digestive Biscuit, McVitie's Calories in 100g of biscuits: Calories 495.0kcal Carbohydrate 67.6g Protein 7.0g Fat 21.9g Fibre 2.8g Alcohol 0.0gCalories in a digestive . OMG. Sunday, February 22, 2009 There are many things that I am really annoyed with that i really dislike . 1. I dislike myself from liking your songs. 2. I dislike it that I like the way you sing. 3. I dislike it that I am becoming obsessed again. 4. I dislike it that I am have to break free from that type of music. 5. I dislike it that I am hurting God. 6. I dislike it that that happened Chem today was screwed up. Hoping for a pass ): GOD HELP ME ! Saturday, February 21, 2009 It feels. Sad, i dunno, having mixed emotions now. I don't really feel like blogging or talking to anyone. Staring is fun. Thursday, February 19, 2009 Haha, today was really awesome., and Mr Tan kept hitting my head =.= 4TH TIME ALREADY. It's totally messing up my hair. I just wanna thank God for being GOD. There. No other way to describe it. During recess today, watching my friends playing volleyball made me think back about the times we had. I STILL LOVE YOU BESTIES :D Yea, haha, everyone is thanking everyone on their blog though, :)haha. ( k, fine. I'm a copy cat ) These words are from the bottom of my heart . Yeap : Kenneth- HAHA, BRO !!! Thanks for like totally accepting me for who I am man(: Always being there for me and giving me godly advice and counsel. Thanks for enduring and being there for me during like my PMS-ey ( not patrick ) moments. Like i am totally sorry that i can't give you helpful advice at times :/ but , I WILL STILL BE YOUR SIS LOL. Yea, continue keeping up your love for God. Never ever let Him go, cause nothing can ever seperate us from the love of God . HAHA, i really enjoy all of the glam & goofy times we have. YOU RUBBING YOUR SWEAT on my hand and me pushing you off from your chair XD , yeap, you will always be my bro no matter what k ? And thanks for also listening to me when i am emo-ey and telling me about you-know-who when I'm down and encouraging me. You will go to church. THE DAY WILL COME MAN :D , believe and hope ! And , your fire for God is still burning , always tell yourself that He has a great plan installed for you. TO be the prayer warrior you ARE and WILL BE (: Really treasure you bro ! I can't wait to play bball and guitar with you. You must play in YOUR net one day man (: LETS BE HAPPY and SMILE! Gio- You know, SISTA' we have so much in common. LOL, I know that sometimes, situations are difficult for you, but no matter what ALWAYS PRASIE GOD :D Thanks for listening to me too, when I am thinking of me being fat and stuff. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL in God's eyes. :D I totally love our convos. on the phone too. No matter what , I will be here for you . GROW GROW GROW ! in God. Thanks for all of the encouragement and the BIMBO-NESS we have together. (: Thanks for like totally sticking up for me when ________ happens. No matter what, don't let them get to you. I don't want to see you being hindered. I am struggling too, But remember, making God happy is important. We're in this together. I will always LOVE YA sis, and great job with your sisters. I am really proud of you. (: Keep working hard man:D LOVE YA ! Javier - E.D.F or, BRO-THE XD . Haha, you will always be the bitchiest but nice bro-the i will ever have. Yes, I know I whack you at times and yell at you, but thanks for not getting angry at me. Even if it's my fault you'll still apologise, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. Thanks for being who you are. That's important. KEEP growing in God, never stop. I know that God will use you. Never doubt yourself man. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING !!! my whinings, my squealings and my problems. You'll be always be my BRO-THE too :D Chu Yi - You are like the big zhe zhe I never had. I really am grateful for all of your advice. I will miss the times we have, singing while walking in the corridor and the rolling of EYES ! LOL. Still, I am inspired by you. You are a leader in God. Continue growing in him. Stay strong k ? Whatever situation you are in , cause, you are my CHU MOO (: LOVE YA LOVE YA LOVE YA. :D:D:D Amadea- ARHHHMA--DEEERA . LOLS, you are the bimbo i can never forget. o.= it's great having you as a PG leader. HAHA , YOU LURBXX ________. LOLs, chill about school. You'll get wrinkles if you worry la. Dun worry, you're SMART . Rachael- Thanks, for the things you have done (: and every other thing. LOL . Yea, all the things we love/like. Don't worry k ? Yea, no matter what, I'll be there for you. Your listening ear, here and there. And when you're down , you can tell me how FAT and ugly patrick is (: Grow in God, never lose hope and faith in Him . Jesus is your only answer to every single problem you have. Call on Him when you're down man . Remeber, everything happens for a reason . JY for ADAM !!! ( that was for you) LOVE YOU (: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 You know what ? I don't care if the devil is trying to attack me cause he will NOT succeed. You know why ? Cause God is living in me and God is just so awesome . The devil is just pissed that God is winning in our school, he's upset that we are praying for God. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ? WHO CARES ?! God is greater and more awesome than him. God can like totally step on the devil's head with His holy leg (: HAHA . But no matter what, my dear readers, you have authority of God, cause you are His child; you have two angels and God. What more do you want ? (: God is more than enough Sunday, February 15, 2009 Edited post. I can't be bothered with idiots. And what i said hurt God, so yea. (: And i am not gonna let poser stun my walk with God. Wasted Standing at the back door She tried to make it fast One tear hit the hard wood It fell like broken glass She said sometimes love slips away And you just can't get it back Let's face it For one split second She almost turned around But that would be like pouring rain drops Back into a cloud So she took another step and said I see the way out and I'm gonna' take it I don't wanna' spend my life jaded Waiting to wake up one day and find That I've let all these years go by Wasted Another glass of whisky but it still don't kill the pain So he stumbles to the sink and pours it down the drain He says it's time to be a man and stop living for yesterday Gotta face it. : I have to say, this week held ups and downs for me. Mostly ups though . I wanna thank God for everything (: God, YOU ROCK ! The edge was awesome ytd, the sermon really spoke to me. Yes, I am giving them to you one by one God. I want to put you first in my heart. Never let you go. Thursday, February 12, 2009 You know, sometimes when your life really sucks , but then turns out for the better ? Weird right ? Well, i guess , that is what makes life exciting, and God still plans everything else. Yeap, He rules :D LETS BE HAPPY AND SMILE (: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 Sunday, February 8, 2009 Three things i am so annoyed about : 1. WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM ?! It's not my fault that I like it. I mean come on, they are just FREAKING earrings, it does not mean that you can just vent your stupid little tandrum on me when you just lost a quarrel to someone. Please get a life. 2. A MATH TEST ! I freaking did not see the last question. CRAP LA , hope i dun fail. 3. Letting go, its annoying yet difficult. I really want to let go, it's stupidly difficult. I HATE ________ Saturday, February 7, 2009 Finally ! A blogskin that i am satisfied with. God is AWESOME :D To this special friend of mine who gave me this : ![]() Yepp, you're right. I have to lay it at the foot of the cross:) God will use me when he wants to. Thanks for the encouragement :D . I have one for you : Don't give up in whatever you do. It's the season of time that God will raise each and everyone of us up for His work. Never doubt yourself, cause God can work mightly through you. And, never loose hope. God is always there for you :D ( and the angels ) I know that you will be God's warrior. Haha :D Wednesday, February 4, 2009 I feel like crap. I am not good enough. Monday, February 2, 2009 Well, i haven't posted in like awhile . HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY JOEY AND GIO :D ; LOVE YA BESTIES Haha, i guess i really miss the edge. Spending time with my besties at church make me miss it so much. I am totally waiting for drill com to pass and to end. Yea, and region 11/12 is spiltting :( i miss my friends on the other side, and net is way smaller. School !!! Was like normal today, as in being hyperactive as i am. Thanks Kenneth Yan for the PEN :D I feel uber sleepy and tired. I miss 2 Endurance . I wish that I could rewind time and go back. 2E 2E ! :D God, just help me to love and forgive that certain someone. I don't wanna break your heart; it's just so difficult. |
Hannah Christian Loves God FALL OUT BOY is AWESOME Has an obsession with music You know me the sites. Chu Yi | Daniel | Gin Ming | Hui Min |Kai Xin | Kenneth| Myra June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 Designer : x o x o |