Thursday, October 30, 2008
I. LOVE. THE. UGLY. BETTY. SERIES . :D Hello :D am being random now. Will be lame and post stuff that are random ![]() Slash; coolest guitarist :D gaga... lols . ![]() Leona Lewis is chio-ness Ugly betty :D lol this video is lame Saturday, October 25, 2008 Ok, if thats the way you want it . Fine, i am always a failure to you right ? I have never been a good daughter. Yea, its all me . Blame me for everything. I wanna run away Thursday, October 23, 2008 Yay, last day of school . Damn i will seriously miss 2E, YEA WE ROCK OUR SOCKS :D i will miss the times we cracked jokes with Ms Tean, made fun of people, lol and moaned in irritance when there was more homework . It just seems like time flew by so fast, stil kinda feels like its not over yet. I WANNA HAVE A 2E OUTING :D lol. TO 2E peeps put there : MISS YA PEOPLE . THANKS FOR THE TIMES WE HAD AS A CLASS. 2 E ROCKS . Lol, i am kinda addicted to Carrie Underwood's songs now. Wow, deja vu again. So like last year. Hey people, couldya really please click on the video and listen to the song ? Its really nice :D Thank you ! Monday, October 20, 2008 Yay me. Like i am totally sick now, and worse, i failed chinese and i kanna banned from smsing regularly. T.T This old song from Carrie Underwood came to my mind as i was looking for her old album at home. Its really nice :) kinda brings back memories. Her vocals are like damn powerful. o.o Adventure camp was fun . Yea our camp facilitators are like nice can ? Haha love em . Am like too lazy to even state out the whole event man, Loads of things happened, yeap. thats about it. Yea heres a quiz kopped from Su Ian's blog : Oh, and i finally got fall out boy out of my system :) feels great : Put your itunes, window player ETC on shuffle For each qtn press the next button to answer You must write the song name no matter how silly it sounds. Put any comments in the bracket beside the song. 1. If someone says "is this ok" ? Something right by Westlife ( erm... sounds right though , lie it kinda fits ) 2.How would you describe yourself ? Shout it out by Generation Unleashed ( 0.0 yea i love God, but i hate shouting) 3.What do you like in a girl/ guy ? Take me away by Avril Lavigne ( Emo-ness , hurt , anger ? not really ) 4. How do you feel today ? What if cartoons got saved by Chris Rice ( LOL. yea, i feel like ministering to cartoons aka scooby doo and shaggy =.= ) 5. What's your life's purpose ? This is me by Demi Levato ( o.o FITS . I've got a dream, i'm gonna let it shine on me ! LOL) 6. What is your motto ? Poison kiss by the last goodnight ( Poison people by kissing them , can this get any lamer ? ) 7. What do your friends think of you ? Adonai by Hillsong ( ERM... no. I am so not God ) 8. Your parents ? Hypeman by TobyMac (ER....Like no way ) 9. What do you think about very often ? The Stand by Hillsong ( Yea what can i say ? what can i do ? but offer myself to God :D ) 10. What is 2 + 2 ? 4:12 by Switchfoot ( O.O Woa numbers, i failed math ) 11. What do you think of your best friend ? March on by Good Charlotte ( My Best Friend loves to cry ? i s hurt ? erm NO ) 12. What do you think of the person you like ? Pictures of you by The Last Goodnight ( Wow, great timing , i put the person's photos on my wall ? ) 13. What is your life's story ? Oh! Gravity by Switchfoot ( Ok... I love gravity ? o.o ) 14. What do you want to be when you grow up ? Take me higher by Lincoln Brewster ( Waa.. higher ! Higher ! Tall ? ) 15. What do you think of when you see the person you like ? Footprints in the sand by Leona Lewis ( Erm... the person will carry me? ) 16. What will you dance to on your wedding ? Yesterday by Leona Lewis ( Wow ... slow song like it ) 17. What will they play at your funeral ? I just can't live a lie by Carrie Underwood ( Like are they tryin' to say i am not a lier ? LIERS ! ) 18.What is your hobby/ Interest ? Centre of it all by Tim Hughes ( Erm.... seeking God cause he is the centre of it all ? LOL) 19. What is your biggest fear ? Nine in the afternoon by Panic At the Disco ( Wow , maybe picking up things i shouldn't reach or animals playing musical instruments ? ) 20. What is your biggest secret ? For Reasons unknown by The Killers ( Wow ... if i tell you, i'd have to kill you XD ) 21. What do you think of your friends ? All over you by The Spill canvas ( o.o This sounds kinda wrong ) 22.What will you post this as ? Dance floor anthem by Good Charlotte ( Wow.... i dun wanna be your love ) 23.What song will you play during your first kiss ? Lead me on by Planetshakers ( Yea right not to sex =.= ) next part Listings 1. List five green things in the room you are in . Table . Storybook . Bed cover . Curtain . Pen 2. List seven things you've done today . Slept . Taken medicine . Bought blueberry pie . Listen to my ipod . Add songs to iTunes . Went to library . Eat lunch 3. List one place you'd like to visit CHICAGO IL !!! 4. List three holidays you like . Christmas , totally love it . Dec Hols . June hols 5. List two favourite stores . Sembawang music shop . Starbucks :) 6. List three things you like about your appearance NOTHING 7. List eight things you like about your best friends . They are always there for me :) . They are like the nicest people ever . They are super bitchy . They accept me for what i am . They are not PERVOs . They write letters to cheer me up :) . They give me amazing advice . They are the best i can have ever have 10. List to favourtie colours . Blue . Black Blue black . LOL XD Random qtns 1. Would you care if a friend was friends with an enemy of yours ? Well, yea. 2. What was the last book you read ? Code name : Cassandra 3. Are you looking to go back to school ? MAybe maybe not ? 4. Was this one of your favourite summers ? Why ? Its always summer in Singapore . Waddya talking about ? Like you like some, you hate some 5. Is there anything you've always wanted to do ? Sure, be in worship ministry 6. Where is the person who matters to you most now ? ... How would I know ? 7. How many best friends do you have ? Well, bascially the people , aka BESTIES . :D Not gonna mention 8. Do you have any cuts or bruises on your body ? Yea one big one on my knee. Thanks alot adventure camp . 9. Are you holding back doing or saying anything ? Not any i can think off... Hmm 10. What time will you go to sleep tonight ? 1130 . CSI rocks, gonna watch it :D 11. Is your hand writing large , tiny or pretty normal ? Large and disgusting most of the time . o: 12. Are you a morning or night person ? Night... get my hint ? LOLS , no la , morning actually. 13. What would you do if you opened up your front door full pf surprises ? Scream and cry. NOT 14. Are you there for your friends ? I dunno :/ 15. Are you a forgiving person ? WELL , WHAT DO YOU THINK ? 16. What do you drink ? Snapple 17. Are you dating the last person you were with ? THAT IS WRONG CAN ? MY MOM AND DAD ARE SO NOT MY CRUSH 18. Who is with you now ? Blackie, my ipod. 19. Anything bothering you now ? One thing 20. What are you listening to now ? Just a dream by Carrie Underwood . Sad song :( 21. The highlight of your week ? SUNDAY. SHOPPING SPREE ! 22. Who were the last people you ate with ? Mom :) 23. Do you like your mom ? =.= The answer is obvious . 24. Who was the last person to text you ? Gio. ytd. 25. Has anyone ever said that you look like a celeb ? Erm.... paris is my sis ! LOL no la . 26. Name someone who has the same birthday as you DUNNO 27. Have you ever had a drunken night in mexico ? I have never been there can ? 28. What are your plans for tonight ? Play my xbox 29. If you could move somewhere else, would you ? I would, if my parents came along 30. What does the seveth text in your inbox say ? Aunty Susan. About my ministry. 31. What's your favourite subject ? Math, ok THIS SPELLS G-E-E-K. 32. Last thing that made you L O L ? Burning up on video on trail , no bulge, wink at Chu Yi, * inside joke* 33. Summer lesson ? WHATEVER 34. Do you know if anyone likes you ? God , as in love XD 35. What did you dream about last night ? A pen. 36. Do you want to married right now ? SIAO is it ? 37. What were you doing at 4am this morning ? SLEEPING . OBVIOUSLY 38. What do you usually do in the morning ? Whining to my dad for waking me up, bathe, eat breakfast . 39, Do you drink coffe on a regular basis ? No, i dun drink coffee 40. What is making you smile now ? Video on trial 41. Are you looking foward to tomorrow ? Kinda 42. How many different beverages did you have today ? Am isupposed to count ? 43. Any plans for today ? You are asking the same BLOODY qtn. 44. What is infront of you ? My tv, speakers. 45. What is your fav. colour of JELLO ? WTH is this ? 46. Do you want children ? To early to say . 47. What is on your mind now ? Complete this quiz quickly . 48. Anything black on your right ? My tv remote control. 49. Are you expecting a phone call ? If its from God , YEA 50. If alcohol were banned what whould your reaction be ? Erm... damn . 51. What day is it today ? Tuesday. 52. Are you excited about this weekend ? YES. VERY :) 53. DO people underestimate you ? Because of my retarded'ness ? Yea . 54. When you're in a bad mood, what will put you in a good mood ? God, music , friends . 55. Last thing you swore ? B**** 56. Where did you last sleep other than your house ? Ad. Camp. Ten things about you : 1) are you single ? YEA 2) Are you happy ? With God, like TOTALLY 3) Are you bored ? Very. 4) Are you sad ? Nope 5) Are you italian ? No... i do not have nice ang-moh eyes . 6) Are you pregnant ? What is this quiz about huh ? 7) Are you afraid of the dark ? Very , uber scared. 8) Are you good at cooking ? If you count almost poisoning your teacher with half baked potatoes. Yea . LOL 9) Are you Irish ? Yea, like 1/4 though . 10) Are your parents married ? Yeap. Ten have you ever ? 1) Been caught sneaking out ? Never snuck out 2) Been skinny dipping ? Nope. 3) Done something you regret ? Loads of stuff. 4) Bungee jumped ? Nah, but i want to :) 5) Lied to somone you loved ? Parents ? Duh 6) Finished an entire jaw breaker ? Yea, kinda tough though. 9) Cried because you lost a pet ? I laughed when my dad poked out my goldfish's heart. Yeap, saddist XD 10) Wanted to disappear ? Yea ... whenever i am in trouble . Ten preferences 1) Smile or eyes Eyes, Green eyes 2) Light or dark hair Dark red hair Yeap . LOls gtg . Sunday, October 19, 2008 I love this song . I've got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match, What a catch, What a catch, You'll never catch us, So just let me be, Instead I'll be fined, To the hospital or American Embassy, Mislead, Said I still want you back, Yeah, Mislead, Said I still want you back, I've got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match, What a catch, What a catch, And I can think love is the way, I know, oh, that you're the one, Who gave up on you, Who gave up on you, Woah, They say the Captain, Goes down with the ship, So when the world ends, Will God go down with it? Mislead, Said I still want you back, Yeah, Mislead, Said I still want you back, I've got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match, What a catch, What a catch, And I can think love is the way, I know, oh, that you're the one, Who gave up on you, Who gave up on you, What a catch, What a catch, What a catch, What a catch, I will never never end up like him, Behind my back I already am, Keep a calender this way you will always know, I've got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match, What a catch, What a catch, And I can think love is the way, I know, oh, that you're the one, Who gave up on you, Who gave up on you, I've got troubled thoughts and self-esteem to match, What a catch, What a catch, This song is called what a catch donnie. I love this song and the singer :) Tuesday, October 14, 2008 Yay EOYS are like over and we've received our results. Kinda disappointed with chinese cause i failed , again. Chinese is like the most difficult subject ever and like i hope my other results can help pull my marks out. :( well, i guess thats the way life goes, you win some , you lose some. Haha :D must remain positive ! I realised I am weird : 1. I say random stuff, eg. i like your mom ... 2. I like bugs that bite, with the exception of spiders. 3. I tap stuff thrice . 4. I stare into spcae when people talk to me. 5. I daydream when bathing. 6. I like to bite the outer covering of ice cream and eat the whole thing. 7. I twirl my hair while thinking. 8. I can just forget what i want to do all of a sudden. 9. I cross my legs when i feel happy. 10. I laugh for no reason at times. Yepp, i can conclude that i am seriously weird . Well, lasr friday was fun :) i went out shopping with my besties and Kenneth's friends, Floria and Grace. They are like nice people :) we shopped at bugis then we went to far east. First we got lost then we kept walking up and down. Dots, i discovered, that by doing that at around 3pm, you can get a tan . :o lols . Anyway, I seriously enjoyed myself :) haha. Yay! Like adventure camp is tomorrow =.= like, the school doesn't ever let us rest and like it sucks man, oh well. LOL BTW, CHU YI , PATRICK IS NOT A FAT LEPRECHAUN. THEY ARE JUST SAYING THAT CAUSE HE'S IRISH. BLEAH :D Tuesday, October 7, 2008 Haha :) Exams are gonna be totally over . One more paper , art ! Like besides from the other post, nothing seriously happened. Haha, like because of that stupid dude, like i have a bloody phobia of entering the lift because i had a past experience, and like i hate him. That idiot. Well, sian. I have to do art prep and its like yawn. Like today was ok... like i was supposed to wait for kenneth and i alighted at kranji =.= and chu yi, thanks for fixing my specs, am too lazy to go to the shop ;D Like i so cannot wait for FRIDAY :) am like really pumped up about saturday too. Finally, after exams i can go to the edge. YESSSS and i freaking well don't have GB ! Yay me ;D, not saying that i hate it or what, maybe just a little , but seriously, not on saturdays man. I just realised how imperfect we are, like i have alot of flaws and seriously, a season of change needs to come. I need YOUTH CAMP like i cannot wait. All the prank phoning, all the games, experiencing God , and changing, and not to mention, the most memorable, eating maggie mee and playing taboo. Remeber Gin Ming ? C ( inside joke) ok. Monday, October 6, 2008 I hate having mental retards a a neighbour cause they try to attack your parents but fortunately i have a dad who learns self defence. that guy should be locked in woodbridge. Yepp, like God is really great in our lives :D couldn't study so, yea decided to blog. Muahahas. God i seriously need you to like help me overcome all of it. I dun wanna listen to it anymore. Yepp, givin' up Fall out boy. I really need a change in my life, and God WILL help me change. (: Damn tomorrows like Home Econs and i am seriously gonna die, chinese was BAD enough. Can't wait to go out with my besties :) Thursday, October 2, 2008 Ok. I officially suck for science as it is easy to tell... Well, actually this song spoke to me : Oh Lord You've searched me You know my way Even when I fail You I know You love me Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season I know You love me I know You love me At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me There's no greater love than this You have overcome the grave Glory fills the highest place What can separate me now You go before me You shield my way Your hand upholds me I know You love me At the cross I bow my knee Where Your blood was shed for me There's no greater love than this You have overcome the grave Glory fills the highest place What can separate me now?(x2) You tore the veil You made a way When You said that it is done(x2) And when the earth fades Falls from my eyes And You stand before me I know You love me Oh.. I know You love me At the cross I bow my knee Where your blood was shed for me There's no greater love than this You have overcome the grave Glory fills the highest place What can separate me now?(x2) You tore the veil You made a way When You said that it is done(x4) |
Hannah Christian Loves God FALL OUT BOY is AWESOME Has an obsession with music You know me the sites. Chu Yi | Daniel | Gin Ming | Hui Min |Kai Xin | Kenneth| Myra June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 June 2010 Designer : x o x o |